七月十ㄧ、十二日特展花絮 Historical Artifacts Exhibition of the 70th Anniversary of the WW II China Theatre
高耀星博士向公眾簡介他個人關於抗戰史實的文物收藏,並於展場進行導覽。下一場展覽訂於八月六至九日在士嘉堡市政中心 (Scarborough Civic Centre) 舉行。歡迎免費參觀!
Dr. Jason kao talked about his collections and gave the visitors a guided tour after the opening ceremony of the exhibition on July 11. Next exhibition will be held at Scarborough Civic Centre between Aug. 6 and 9, 2015. Free admission. All are welcome!
以下為部分展品 (總計收藏約ㄧ千件)