馬鵬榮獲加拿大總理 Jean Chrétien 接見表彰其藝術成就


Brief Introduction of Peng Ma

Peng Ma (马鹏) is a versatile professional artist whose artistic practice extends to Chinese ink painting, Chinese ink and color painting, oil painting, sculpture, and print-making. He immigrated to Canada in 1989 and has been working fulltime as an artist.

After seeing his creation of Confucius (a three meter tall bronze statue commissioned by Shandong Province in 2000), Mother Love (a three meter tall black marble sculpture installed in Beijing in 2002), and his 13 works displayed in the China-Canada Friendship Sculpture Garden (completed in Beijing in 2004), the audience have to be impressed by his ability to depict his objects so realistically and artistically at the same time. In 1998, invited by Magna International Inc., he also created a full-body bronze statue of its founder, Frank Stronach. The two castings are respectively installed in Aurora, Ontario, Canada and Vienna, Austria.

For over two decades, Peng Ma has tirelessly promoted the great traditions of Chinese painting in overseas. Unsatisfied with his past achievements, he always seeks to explore the potentials of abstract ink and color paintings executed with traditional Chinese brushes, ink and pigments. He has held several solo Chinese painting exhibitions in Taiwan and Canada. Some of his paintings are published in his personal albums, including "A Collection of Ma Peng's Chinese Brush Painting", "Peng Ma: Chinese Brush Painting" (by TSAR Publication, Canada) and "Peng Ma: Abstract Ink Painting" (by TSAR Publication, Canada).




藝術家馬鵬口述  高耀星博士筆記








第二: 通過對西方抽象繪畫歷史及技巧的研究,我認為,在向西方借鑒的同時,當代水墨畫仍應該充分發揮筆、墨、宣紙等媒介的特點和功能,並繼續發揚東方文化傳統精神。我不斷地在文人寫意畫、寫生畫及抽象畫中反覆探索與提煉,砥礪自己創作出既能與中國傳統繪畫精神相貫通,又具有當代性及無國界性的水墨畫,與各種文化背景的觀眾交流。


第三: 我於一九九七年赴台北國父紀念館舉行水墨畫個展,當時即提出「形離神存」的抽象藝術理念。如何在最大的程度上抽離形象,同時又在最高的程度上傳存神韻,這是我在創作抽象水墨畫時追求的理想。"馬鵬抽象水墨作品集"   在2011年出版後,引起老師、藝友及許多中外讀者的肯定,証明我的努力已取得了一些成果。但要讓更多人理解和接受我的理念,我仍要在理論和實踐上更深入地探索。



加中兩國藝術家 (胡江、羅建生、孫昌茵... 等) 於多倫多藝廊雅集並合作君子圖 (136 by 68 cm)。馬鵬寫蒼松及題字落款。