Event: Traditional Chinese Martial Arts and Guqin Music Workshop
Time: 4:00 pm, April 27 (Saturday)
Place: Kao Ying Gallery
Admission: Free
The event features an introduction of the development and evolution of the traditional Chinese martial arts, followed by live demonstrations accompanied by ancient Guqin music.
活 動 : 結合武術與古樂的講座與示範
時 間 : 4:00 pm, 四月廿七日 (週六)
地 點 : 多倫多藝廊
備 註 : 免費
由知名武術老師解說中國傳统武術發展及演變的簡史 (冷兵器、火兵器、形意拳、現代太極),並結合古琴音樂進行現場示範。